Champagne Velvet Periplus
In the ancient world, maps were difficult to copy and not particularly accurate. To solve the problem of navigation, the Romans, Greeks, and Persians developed the periplus, a written and bound phenomenological description of roadways and trade routes. Used by travelers and mariners, the periplus was a framework for sharing the unknown and communicating physical knowledge. After thousands of years of advancements in technology, humans are again using codified written language, in the form of the digital photograph, to express the physical world.
Champagne Velvet Periplus is a series of images interpreted through several languages. Poetic, peripli style narrative text is interjected into the jpeg code of a photograph, and then reinterpreted back into digital image. The result is a diptych utilizing three technologies: hand drawn poetic text, letterpress printed code, and digitally printed glitched image. The diptych is then bound in a folio, mimicking the simple ancient bindings of the original peripli. |